
IN PICTURES: Violent storm causes chaos across Madrid

The Local Spain
The Local Spain - [email protected]
IN PICTURES: Violent storm causes chaos across Madrid
An intense storm causes chaos across Madrid. Photo: Benjamin CREMEL / AFP

An intense storm wreaked havoc across the Spanish capital Madrid on Tuesday night, leaving chaos in its wake. These pictures and videos tell the story.


Madrid firefighters attended a total of 170 callouts on Tuesday night after a violent storm hit the capital. Many of the calls were linked to flooding and fallen trees as well as damage to property.

The storm brought torrential rain, hail showers and strong winds.

Madrid authorities said that the storm was concentrated over a very short period of time and primarily affected the western districts of the capital, such as Moncloa-Aravaca, Chamberí, La Latina, Tetuán and Fuencarral.



The phenomena caused chaos across the city as trees fell, streets were flooded, and water gushed into metro stations and underground garages.

Some reported hail stones as big as three centimetres, causing damage to numerous balconies and terraces across the city. 

There were no serious injuries or deaths reported due to the storm. 

Castilla y León has also been placed on yellow alert due to the strong gusts of wind and the possibility of showers accompanied by hail.


Over the next few days, Spain's State Meteorological Agency AEMET has predicted more unstable weather across northern and central Spain and a drop in temperatures.

The worst is expected this Friday June 28th, when the storm will cross the entire peninsula towards the northwest.




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