
2023 was second-hottest year on record in Spain

AFP - [email protected]
2023 was second-hottest year on record in Spain
Tourists visiting the Royal Palace in Madrid under very high temperatures in July 2023. Photo: Thomas COEX/AFP.

Spain endured its second-hottest year on record in 2023, which followed on from its hottest year ever since records began more than six decades ago, the AEMET weather agency said on Thursday.


Last year's average temperature was 15.2 degrees Celcius (59.36 degrees Fahrenheit), which was 1.2C higher than normal, spokesman Ruben del Campo told reporters on unveiling the agency's annual climate report.

"The average temperature in Spain has risen by more than 1.5C since 1961 with the hottest 10 years all occurring in the 21st century," AEMET said on X, formerly Twitter, referring to the year in which records began.


Last year also saw the warmest spring on record, and no month registered temperatures that were colder than normal, AEMET said, indicating nine out of 12 months were "warm, very warm or extremely warm".

It was also the sixth driest year on record.

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