
Entire island of Tenerife hit by power cut

AFP - [email protected]
Entire island of Tenerife hit by power cut

The entire island of Tenerife suffered a power cut on Wednesday which affected nearly a million inhabitants and tourists, power companies said.


The entire island of Tenerife suffered a power cut on Wednesday which affected nearly a million inhabitants and tourists, power companies said. 

Trams stopped, traffic lights stopped working and work ground to a halt when the power supply was cut at 9.45am, said spokesmen for Endesa and Red Electrica Española. 

Police called on islanders to take care while power was down as traffic lights were not working. 

Engineers were working to re-establish power. 

It is the second power cut to affect the entire island in less than a year after a total shortage happened on 29 September and lasted nine hours.


The Canary Islands government fined Red Electrica €30m for the shortage and ordered Endesa to pay €10m because of the last power cut, judging both companies  responsible for “serious and very serious offences”. 

The blackout was caused by problems at a power station in Granadilla de Abona.



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